It contains a selection of colors, corresponding to RAL codes, for painting all types of armored vehicles, light vehicles and artillery pieces of the German Army during WWII. From the typical Panzergrau of the beginning of the war, to the three-color camouflages of the end of the war, including Afrika Korps camouflage, primer and interior colors, with this set you have no excuse to leave your models unpainted.
70.766 Cream White
70.897 Bronze Green
70.979 Camuflage Dark Green
70.890 Refractive Green
70.762 Grey Brown
70.764 Military Yellow
70.879 Green Brown
70.847 Dark Sand
70.767 Desert Brown
70.761 Old Wood
70.814 Burnt Red
70.985 Hull Red
70.883 Silver Grey
70.868 Dark Sea Green
70.995 German Grey
70.950 Black